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How Long Does a Cat Hold a Grudge?

by tayyba jaffer
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Many people wonder how long cats hold a grudge. However, this can vary based on a cat’s individual temperament and experiences. Cats may express their feelings through actions like avoiding you or leaving stinky surprises outside their litter box.

It’s important to remember that while cats may feel upset, they do not truly hold grudges like humans do. They are more forgiving than we often give them credit for. Understanding their behavior helps maintain a good relationship. Apologizing to them after an accidental mishap, like stepping on their paws, might not always work, but spending time with them can help. Treats and playtime can make them feel more comfortable and loved again. This guide will explore the reasons and signs that of catโ€™s holding grudge behavior.

Do Cats Hold Grudges?ย

holds grudge

holds grudge

Many people wonder, do cats hold grudges like humans do. According to Stephen Quant, a certified feline training specialist, the answer is no. Cats may show behaviors that seem like they are holding grudges, but they are just making associations based on their experiences. These experiences can include positive or negative moments that they remember. Unlike humans, cats donโ€™t feel anger in the same way. They might act upset, but it’s not because they are holding a grudge.

Dr. Delgado and other experts agree that cats think differently than humans. They donโ€™t hold long-term feelings of spite or act out of revenge. Instead, they focus on what keeps them safe. When a cat has a negative experience, they remember it and may associate it with a particular person or situation. This behavior helps them survive in the wild. So, while your cat might seem upset with you at times, it’s just their way of dealing with experiences, not holding a grudge.

How Long Can Cats Hold Grudges?ย

Cats may not hold grudges like humans, but they can remember negative experiences for a long time. They have both long-term and short-term memories, and there is evidence that they can remember people, locations, and even sounds for up to 10 years. When a cat associates a scary event with a particular person, it might provoke fear or avoidance as a response.

This can make the cat behave differently for a while, trying to avoid that person to feel safe. However, in less severe cases, like an accidental step on the tail or a trip to the vet, the cat may need only a few hours or a day to feel normal again. Repeated negative experiences can lead to a stronger association and cause the cat to stay away for months or even years. The length of time depends on the individual personalities of felines.

How Long Does a Catโ€™s Memory Last?ย

Like most animal species, including humans, cats can remember things. Although the ability to store memories reduces with time, Cats can hold memories lifetime, for 15-20 years.

Signs That Your Cat Is Peeved at You:

Cats are common for their mood swings and may not always be as pleased as your dog. Aggression in cats I such a behavior that they canโ€™t cancel and is hard to miss. Here is a list of signs from which you can predict if your cat is peeved at you:

  • Deep vocalization.
  • It leaves or hides itself when you enter in the room.
  • Cats swat at you with their paws.
  • Refusing to eat and drink.
  • Low rapid, squeezing tail.
  • Hissing
  • Flattened ears.
  • Lunging or biting.
  • They Urinate or defecate at inappropriate places.

How to Rebuild Your Bond with Your Cat?

  • Rebuilding trust with a cat after a stressful or unavoidable experience, like a trip to the vet, can take some time.
  • First of all, try find out the issue why your kitten is feeling unhappy. Reflect on your own behavior. Mostly the cat behaviors are innate. So we should adjust with them.
  • Itโ€™s essential to avoid making a big fuss as it could increase their stress. Instead, the best thing is to give them space and letthem come to you when they are ready. Daniel explains that a stress-free home environment will help your cat feel normal again.
  • Constantly checking on them or trying to force interaction might lead to a negative association, making them want to avoid you more.

How to Make a Cat Forgive You?

Every cat has its own love language. Some respond to wet food or enjoy a comforting head bunt on your lap. You can also try offering tasty treats or puzzle toys as enrichment.

According to Jenae Strainer, a therapist at Bespoke Treatment, you can even verbally apologize, though a cat may not fully understand. The key is to be patient and allow your feline friend to reconnect when they feel safe.

How to Help Your Cat Feel Less Moody?

Here are some tips to make your cat less moody:

  • Sit quietly nearby, and make it approach you on its own. For this encourage the cat by offering its favorite toys.
  • Do not invade his personal space as it irritates them.
  • Another tip is, if you find your grumpy with you make and offer his favorite food and.
  • Gently call and talk to him.

What Causes Grumpy Cat Behavior?ย

Cats hold a grudge as many situations provoke them to do so and cause a change in behavior with people. Here are some reasons for the catโ€™s changing behavior with you:

Pain or illness:

Before assuming behavior issue, check the any medical issues such as pain or illness. A minor issue can lead to a serious problem. For example, untrimmed toenails or arthritis can lead to major problems.

Multi-cat issues:

In multi household, cats may have many issues like space, attention, their belongings. There should be separate space for each cat and litter boxes as well. Moreover, provide separate sleepy areas to avoid the confrontation.


It occurs when petting your cat in areas even where she enjoys it. If she tries to stiffen, shift meow, or try to move away, your cat is discomfort able.

Other issues may include punishment, neglecting her body language, or abrupt changes.

5 Tips for Reducing Your Catโ€™s Stress:

Make sure to provide your cat with all the things he needs.

The necessary things for the cat may be:

  • Litter box
  • Food and water bowl
  • Scratching post
  • Hiding place
  • A bed

Cats love to have their separate and personal belongings like litter boxes or food bowls etc. All these things have a surprising impact on their mood swings.

Give your cat a space:

Cats love to live lonely. Give them space from children, other pets, and from other family members.

Avoid handling them if they are not keen:

Always pay attention to the body language of your cat. If she feels unhappy, do not handle her until she is happy again.

Prepare them to handle the changes before they happen:

Cats are creatures of habit. Anything that disturbs them, can cause stress in them. Prepare them before the changes happen such as:

  • Moving house
  • Welcoming a born in your house
  • Building work

When to Consider Asking Professionals for Help:

If your cat does not behave normally for a few days after you bring them to a new house, it is a normal sign of change in the environment. But if your cat shows major signs of stress such as less interaction, scratching, or hiding, there is a need to consult the professionals. However, these signs are not always because of grudge, cats ask for help in this way too.

Bottom line:

Cats do not hold grudges like humans do. Instead, their brains retain mostly short-term memories. When a cat feels upset due to an incident, it may take time for them to calm down. They might avoid you for a brief period, but this behavior usually isnโ€™t permanent. If a cat has a happy relationship with you, they will likely forgive quickly. You can help this process by using their love language, like treats or playtime, which can help rebuild a positive association.

To keep a good bond, pay attention to how your cat feels. If they look worried or seem unwell, itโ€™s a good idea to get them checked by a vet. The best way to ensure a healthy relationship is to be patient and understanding. Always remember that building trust takes time, and sometimes prompting your cat with reconciliatory actions can speed up this process.


How long does a cat be mad at you?

There is no definitive answer, but cats have short memory. The behavior can last for few hours to days. Kittens usually have short memory and are more forgiven than any other cat.

How do I say sorry to my cat?

The first thing you can do is to spend time with your cat. Give him a nice long petting session by spending time around him. Play, praise and compliment your cat.

How do cats show their love for you?

The most common behavior of the cats to show their love is purring. It is a sign of happiness and contentment.



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